Protocol for exchange of data for EVDC ESA Validation Data Centre

The aims of this protocol are to encourage dissemination of data and results for scientists involved in measurement campaigns and contributing networks/stations and, to protect the rights of the individual scientists involved in these. Several types of sources are contributing to the EVDC database: field measurement campaigns, monitoring networks, and measurements from individual scientists. Campaign data sets are data organised, produced or led within field measurement. Network data are data archived by other frameworks and organisations e.g.: NDACC ( and SHADOZ ( networks and usually collected from and owned by individual data providers. The data from campaigns and networks is provided to EVDC with the permission of each organisation or data provider contributing to the respective network data archive.

  1. Preliminary data should be replaced as soon as possible by consolidated final data in the EVDC database. The descriptive information in the data file and associated metadata shall also reflect such an update.
  2. EVDC follows the GEOMS metadata guidelines. Data submitted to the database should thus be GEOMS compliant, following the templates available from the EVDC web pages. If a template is not available: individual procedures may apply. Please contact the data centre for more information.
  3. The ownership of the data remains with the data originator
  4. Each EVDC user can visualize the whole data content but only download some parts of the database, e.g.: users belonging to a specific campaign can share and access all the data within this campaign, but the other users will have, generally, no access to these data. Any publication resulting from use of EVDC data requires prior written permission from the data owner.
  5. Access to the EVDC data hosted at NILU is granted only after having signed this protocol. Access is strictly personal through nominative login and password. Re-distribution of data to third parties by the data user is nominally not allowed and requires written permission from ESA and the data originator. Users already registered on EVDC are not requested to sign this data exchange protocol because it does not change the agreement established with the previous version of this document
  6. The data reported as preliminary or final, are available to those with access to the EVDC at no cost for non-commercial scientific use. By using these data, the data user accepts that an offer for co-authorship will be made through personal contact with the data providers or owners whenever substantial use is made of their data. In the case of network data it is also necessary to reproduce the acknowledgements as formulated in the respective network data policy.
You hereby agree to the conditions of this data protocol when submitting this form